"He told how we should seek; not thrusting in
As if Heaven heard the loudest cry; as though
The gateway of the Kingdom must be forced,
And a path pushed over the fallen ones:
But foremost by Renunciation, first
By good-will to be last; by help, not haste;
By eagerness not to be saved, but save.
'Judge not, that ye, too, be not judged, He said,
'For, as ye judge, ye must be judged.' And, then,
Proclaimed how none seek vainly: soon or late
The seeker finds, the asker hath, the knock
Makes the latch lift, whosoever be the hand.
. . . .
At this—as who well knew what idle things
Children will ask— and men— he drew, in gold,
Plain as the Sun's long line across the lake,
Our road to follow: 'What Ye Would That Men
Should Do To You, Do Ye Likewise To Them!
The law is this. The prophets this!