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From the July 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The "father of lies" claims to be mind, and to be omnipresent mind. He claims to have a universe and an "image and likeness." This universe and image and likeness," he claims, reflects his omniscience and omnipotence. We learn, in Christian Science, that this claim of mind is a false claim a counterfeit of Mind. When we discern what Jesus revealed concerning the Mind, Principle, Father, it becomes to us clear what the false mind substitutes for the true Mind how it counterfeits its characteristics.

God, true Mind, and Its ideas are immortal. The false or mortal mind therefore says: "Man my image and likeness is immortal. To be sure, the individual dies but by reproduction, or self-multiplication, he lives on for everlasting ages."

God is omnipotence. He governs and sustains eternally and in absolute harmony, His ideas infinite in number and variety. One idea never interferes with, injures or threatens any other idea. Then the false mind says I am almighty. I can create and I can destroy. I give my son, man, dominion. See his inventions, his wonderful progress See how he improves! I furnish food, drink and balm in abundance, to sustain him under all circumstances. Yea, I am God."

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