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From the July 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When our erected Temple stands erected in Mind, all will have fallen into their own places. It is not for any one to say where he or she belongs. Some are not willing to take quiet, unobtrusive places in the Temple of Mind. Many want to be big doors, big windows, and occupy otherwise conspicuous positions; forgetting that the big doors and windows could not stand in their places a moment but for the many un-seen nails, screws and small fixtures. For my part, I am willing to be the tiniest nail or screw, or the most unpretentious bolt, if only I have the great privilege to be actually a part of Christ's Temple. It may be that many who have sought to occupy the chief places, will be assigned some unseen corner in the Temple; and that those who have been most modest and retired, will be placed as doors and windows; but all should know that every spot in the Temple is seen by God, and that each Idea of His is a shining light.

"I am the vine." The vine has many branches; the branches, many leaves. As the branches receive nutriment from the one vine, it is harmonious and scientific for the leaves to derive verdure from their own branches. But suppose some branches get very much twisted and whirled by every wind and wave of subtle argument; then, the branches steadily drawing nutriment from the vine, should support and steady the leaves of the shaky, twisty branches.

It has seemed that the brothers and sisters of the one fold have not yet worked out of material sense sufficiently to reap the fruits of spiritual consciousness; to trust one another, "in honor preferring one another." I know of students who have gone out of Christian Science ranks, because one law of our National Association was made to enforce upon them obedience to teachers who could not furnish them nutriment to grow on, because they themselves were accepting arguments and teaching doctrines not to be found in the leaves of Science and Health, in the teachings of Jesus. I do not see how we can ever demonstrate the visible temple, until freedom and privileges are accorded in the household of faith. Of all people, Christian Scientists should come into the sweet fields of liberty; that Principle, not person, be honored.

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