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"But blessed are your eyes, for they see."

From the July 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“But blessed are your eyes, for they see." It is ofttimes remarked by those who know little of Christian Science itself, that they can tell Christian Scientists by the shining of their eyes. It is true that a brightness not of sun, moon or stars lights up the eyes of one who has heard, perceived and is obeying the word of Truth,—Christian Science. It is also true that this brightness, radiance, increases as, through demonstration, he advances in knowledge and understanding. The reason for this is plain. The first work of the teacher of Christian Science, is to point the student to God who is Light. When men are standing or walking with back to the light, no light shines upon them for eyes to reflect. Eyes turned in upon mortal self cannot shine; for this self is utter darkness, —the blackness of darkness.

A sentence fraught with sadness, fell from the lips of an observer:— "I do not see the light in her eyes that was there two or three years ago, and neither do I find the restfulness in her presence: It cannot be that she is losing sight of the Idea that reflects the Father, that she is losing the light of Divine Science?"

It may seem that eyes are seeing even in darkness; but when a single ray of light appears, the blindness because of darkness, is perceived. When the call of Truth, "Turn ye, turn ye," is heard, and one turns from mortal self, from matter, and faces God—Light—of course he then reflects that Light; and shining eyes and luminous face, as the result, greet his fellow men. The nearer He in whom "there is no darkness at all" is approached, the more glad and radiant grow the eyes, looking away from self and sense, to Principle—Good.

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