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Continuation of "The Travail of my Soul."

From the July 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Up to this time, I have once or twice alluded to the Bible as my Schoolmaster. This it literally was, as I early learned to read from it with the help of the sailors. I have to say more than this,— that I loved my schoolmaster. The fact that my last Bible still bears early and profuse pencil marks at those passages upon which I loved most to dwell, in a measure indicates my profound regard and veneration for this Word of God. Even so, I still understood its real meaning but little, for I saw the literal meaning only. This taught me, as it teaches thousands to-day, that God gives us all things; but, when He sees fit, He takes away from us the very ones we love best. When Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures came to my hands seven years ago, I began to realize that I had not rightly understood my Schoolmaster, and that I must begin my schooling afresh if I would become useful to humanity in the work of Christian Science. This message of God to man, throws a great light upon those portions of the Bible that before seemed shrouded in total darkness. The dear old Schoolmaster still retains its first place in my affection, but is loved much more because the key that opened the door of my understanding of it enabled me to see that, while I had believed the universe to be a combination of Spirit and matter, in reality all is Spirit and "there is no matter." To me now, therefore, these two blessed books are as inseparable as God and Man.

In regard to the different editions: I have read various translations of the Bible, and find the Revised Version clearer to my apprehension than others; yet, I cling to the dear old King James, or Authorized Version. I may say the same for Science and Health. The later editions are clearer to my sense, the sixty-third being clearest and best of all I have; yet the two volume edition, of 1884, is still so precious that I cannot help taking it up in spare minutes, to refresh my memory with the instructions received in the last primary class of that year. These spare minutes are not now so very plentiful, for I am fully occupied in the service of sin-sick humanity; my office being open to all who wish to get help in Christian Science, without respect to color, nationality, possessions or lack of possessions.

At close of the May article, I had gained quite a practice. My work had been faithfully done, and the Rewarder of the faithful, divine Principle, bore witness to it, and many were healed; but, I was facing an emergency. My patients thus far had been those whose funds had been exhausted by heavy doctor-bills, and who could only promise future payment when able to earn more; while the little balance I yet had in bank would not last long, if I continued drawing upon it to meet added current expenses.

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