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Letters & Conversations


From the July 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We take the liberty of copying a letter which accompanied an order for Science and Health, the Journal, and a lot of German tracts.

Dresden, May, 1895.

Before ordering Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, I would like to give a short explanation of how I came to know there was such a book. Quite accidentally a certain Mrs. A— from Providence, R. I., came last autumn to live with the same German family as myself. Mrs. A— is a thorough believer and adherent of Christian Science, and although I was absolutely ignorant of the existence of such a treasure, I could not help seeing that she owned some things which I lacked. She never discussed health topics, never said the word tired or sick, nor mentioned that this or that dish at table disagreed with or caused her to have indigestion, and what made me wonder more than all was her invariable cheerfulness and contentment which put to shame the fault-finding and discontented ones around her, myself included, and made me long to follow her good example.

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