I am glad to testify that I have been healed by Christian Science. I had suffered for four years from hemorrhage caused by growths, and other female troubles. I had gone through two operations under the best doctors in Toronto, besides trying many patent medicines and other forms of material treatment, but found myself as bad as ever in December, 1899, when I was persuaded to try Christian Science, and from the first treatment I began to get better, the troubles being gradually overcome and causing me little inconvenience till finally, after several months' treatment, a large growth came away, and now I am perfectly well and can do my own work, washing, etc. My children also have been wonderfully helped. They were healed of whooping cough. One little boy suffered from convulsions so severe that he nearly passed away, but the Truth healed him in a few hours. My husband had been subject to the grip and neuralgia for many years, losing much time. This winter he had two attacks, but under Christian Science treatment he did not lose a day.
He was also healed of the tobacco habit of fourteen years' standing.
It is indeed wonderful what the Truth has done for me and mine, both physically and spiritually. We know it is true religion and is what we have for years been looking for.—Toronto, Can.