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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science came to me in an hour of great need,...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science came to me in an hour of great need, when everything seemed dark, both from a spiritual and physical standpoint.

In August, 1895, my husband's health began to fail, and he was obliged to give up his business. There seemed to be no definite disease, but a gradual loss of flesh, and he took but little interest in those things which formerly occupied his time. In November his eyes became inflamed and painful and he was obliged to take to his bed. A nurse was called, who remained with us three months. His sufferings at times were intense, and required her constant attention several hours through the day. One of the best physicians visited him twice each day, and did all that he could to make him comfortable, then he called an eye specialist, who, after a thorough examination, said there was no hope that he would be able to use his eyes again, as a film could be plainly seen, covering the right eye.

During the latter part of the winter his general health improved, and when able to sit up, although totally blind, he used both goggles and a shade, as his eyes were very sensitive to the light. We knew a little of Christian Science and after talking with a practitioner, my husband decided to take treatment without any faith in its power to heal. The medical laws were broken, one by one, and after a few weeks he was taken to the evening meetings at The Mother Church. The healing was very slow, and we were many times discouraged as there seemed to be no visible improvement for several weeks. Then the light began to break, and he could distinguish objects, and in six months after he commenced treatments his sight was fully restored. Since then claims of accident and injury have been met and destroyed. Words cannot express our gratitude to the dear practitioner, through whose patience and clear understanding of the truth, we were enabled to hold fast and finally come into the light. I am grateful to God for the good I have received, also to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the love she has reflected.

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