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Testimonies of Healing

I am very grateful for what Christian Science has done...

From the October 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am very grateful for what Christian Science has done for me and mine. One evening last summer while my little boy was playing with his comrades on the street, he was struck by a runaway team. His father wished to have a surgeon, who came and reported that three ribs were broken, the left lung punctured, and his head badly cut. The Christian Science practitioner remained while the surgeon performed his work,—setting the ribs and sewing the cut in the head,—to which the child submitted, as he was without pain. The surgeon said he would have fever, that he would always be delicate, and that we would have to take him to a milder climate.

After he had done his work we left our child in God's care. Through the faithful, earnest work of the practitioner he rested peacefully (which surprised the doctor), and improved hourly, and in two days he was perfectly well. The people thought the report of our boy's case had been exaggerated because he was out so soon after the accident, and they asked the surgeon if he had really been injured as reported. He was very kind and told, them that it was true. This experience has helped me to seek Truth more earnestly. I can see that "Trials teach mortals not to lean on an earthly staff;" and that "Trials are proofs of God's care" (Science and Health, p. 66).

We are grateful for our publications, also to the practitioner, and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

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