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Testimonies of Healing

On the basis that gratitude seeks expression, I write...

From the July 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On the basis that gratitude seeks expression, I write a few words regarding the way in which God has guided me to a clearer view of Truth as revealed in the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. About four years ago my oldest daughter received medical treatment from several physicians, but in vain. By the advice of a friend who had been healed through Christian Science, she applied to a practitioner, and was fully restored in a few days. A year later another daughter was healed. These evidences of God's power and love not only awakened gratitude, but led us all, as a family, to desire and seek more of that life-giving truth by the reading of Christian Science literature; my wife and myself having also had the privilege of class instruction.

During these recent years we have all been kept from any severe sickness, and have been able to meet minor ailments by a realization of God's all-sufficient power. For thirty-five years I have been actively engaged in the Congregational ministry, but as a result of growing convictions regarding the truth and value of Christian Science teaching, I heartily accept those statements of Life, Truth, and Love, as embodied and applied in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and of which the world is to-day in such great need.

As an evidence of the increasing open-mindedness shown by other denominations, I quote the reply given by the Lamoille Association of Congregational Ministers in answer to my application for withdrawal:—

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