Having taken a post-graduate course in the school of suffering, both mental and physical, it is with deep gratitude that I give the testimony of my healing in Christian Science. I had always believed in a higher power, but the thought of God filled me with dread. I always loved humanity and had a great desire to do good in some way, but as sickness and sorrow came into my life, I simply sank and longed to die, and thus end my mental anguish. In this state of thought I was led to a Christian Science Sunday service in Paris, France. As I looked at those happy faces, I longed to have even a blind faith in God. I do not remember anything of the service except the Lord's Prayer and its spiritual interpretation as given in Science and Health, but a great sense of peace came to me, and I longed to learn that interpretation.
I could hardly wait until the following Wednesday to attend the testimonial meeting. I shall never forget that meeting; the testimonies given by some who had only spoken English since they began to study Christian Science; also their expressions of love and loyalty to our brave Leader, Mrs. Eddy. It seemed at first that I was dreaming, but I was really being awakened from the mortal dream, a belief in a life apart from God. My healing was instantaneous. I had worn glasses ten years. I was healed of sleeplessness and chronic stomach trouble, and an intense fear of a rheumatic affection which had made my fingers crooked, was also dispelled. A sorrow had come into my life that neither travel nor anything else could destroy; but the word of God spoken at that meeting brought the peace which passe all understanding.
If our dear Leader had never written any other article but "Love Your Enemies"(Miscellaneous Writings, p. 9), the world would owe her a great debt. It was a great awakening to me to love this blessed truth, and nothing but a life devoted to the demonstration of its healing power can begin to pay the debt for what Christian Science has done for me. In a few months I was able through a slight understanding of Christian Science to demonstrate this truth for others, and this proved to me so plainly that it is the word of God which heals.