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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that I should be ungrateful were I not to testify...

From the October 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that I should be ungrateful were I not to testify in a public way to the benefits I have received from Christian Science. I have been a reader of its literature for some years, but never took it seriously till some three years ago, when I was healed in one treatment of a bronchial difficulty from which I used to suffer each winter for several weeks at a time. I have also been healed of stomach and rheumatic trouble, hay-fever, and a skin disease of some years standing.

I had never been considered strong, having had a weakness of the lungs in my youth, and had been given to understand that I should always be troubled in this way; but since I have taken to Christian Science I can truly say that my health has been nearly perfect. I no longer have to take care of myself in avoiding such things as drafts, damp feet, etc.; and I never worry as to what I shall eat or drink or put on, but live a life free from all anxiety as to my health. I used to have to consult a doctor frequently and take medicine, but I have been able to give up both for nearly three years.

The improvement in my physical health is not, however, the greatest thing for which I have reason to be grateful. I have always been interested in religious matters, having been a church-member, a communicant and churchwarden, but since I have learned the teaching of Christian Science I feel like a man who has come out of a dimly lighted room into the glorious sunshine. I am beginning to trust God for everything, not only with respect to the soul, but also with respect to the body, and though I cannot claim to be all I ought to be, yet I can truly say that I am a better man than I was, and certainly a very much healthier and happier one.

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