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Testimonies of Healing

With deepest gratitude for the spiritual awakening...

From the October 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With deepest gratitude for the spiritual awakening that I have experienced through the study and practice of Christian Science, I gladly offer my testimony of healing to such as are honestly seeking to "know the truth" which Jesus declared would make men free. This testimony of healing is to me simply a song of gratitude,—gratitude for the apprehension of the great fact that all healing, whether physical, mental, or moral, is essentially the purification of the human consciousness, the "renewing" of the "mind;" gratitude for the ability to discern between the true and the false; gratitude for the Christ, the power to prove God's omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence; and gratitude for the great example to this age, our valiant Leader, for her purity, courage, fidelity, and wisdom, her glorious demonstration of the divine ever-presence.

I have been healed of many sinful beliefs, and am being healed of many more. Proportionately with the overcoming of self-love, self-pity, self-condemnation, and self-will, many physical disorders have given place to natural, healthy conditions of mind and body. Through the realization of the absolute supremacy of God's eternal law of perfect love, many wrong concepts of law are being destroyed, including the so-called laws of heredity, prenatal influences, environment, temperament, contagion, etc. In the light of the spiritual understanding that "all is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation"(Science and Health, p. 468), matter is losing some of its ponderous weight and resistance as substance, and gradually becoming servant instead of sovereign; and man is being revealed to the unfolding consciousness as "lord of the belief in earth and heaven,—himself subordinate alone to his Maker" (Ibid., p. 518); reflecting spiritually all God's attributes, power, and perfection, and possessing dominion over all the earth.

What a glorious revelation this is to a sin-bound and pain-racked world! May all who hear the glad tidings remember the great Master's loving call, "Come into me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." This rest from the storms of passion and pain, of pride and fear and stubborn will, is the promised "peace of God, which passeth all understanding," and which finds its glorious fulfillment in the understanding and demonstration of Christian Science.

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