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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German.]

In the fall of 1904 we became acquainted with Christian Science...

From the October 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the fall of 1904 we became acquainted with Christian Science. Its teachings, which were then new to me and which I today recognize as being expressions of Truth severe headaches, and fainting-spells. Later, through trust in the power of Love, I have been enabled to overcome (and at times instantaneously) colds, weariness, toothaches, fear of blood-poisoning, and the like. My wife suffered from general debility, female and bowel complaints, and to these a disease of the bladder was added, which gave her much pain. The operation performed in a clinic for women was but a temporary success.

When we came into Christian Science, she began to take treatment from a practitioner, and in about two weeks was healed of all her troubles. She has since been able to attend to all her household duties without getting tired, and is today a healthy and happy woman. All this time we have not spent one penny for medicines. Through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and Der Herold der Christian Science, as well as through the wonderful lectures in our Christian Science church, we have learned how we may be healthy and have peace.

What we have received spiritually is worth more than we can express; a feeling of strength through divine Mind, a greater love for right, and more patience and charity toward our dear brethren and sisters. Our hearts are full of thankfulness to God, and of veneration and love to Mrs. Eddy, who was enabled to hear the voice of divine Love, and to receive Christian Science.

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