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Testimonies of Healing

In the autumn of 1908 I came to Christian Science...

From the January 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the autumn of 1908 I came to Christian Science simply for physical help, as I had heard nothing of the great spiritual happiness which would result from the study of its teachings. In June of that year a prominent physician and surgeon of this city had told me, after he had examined me thoroughly, that I had two internal growths which would become larger every year, would result in a gradual degeneration of all the organs involved, and that the only cure would be a capital operation. Because of my implicit confidence in his judgment I saw only the operating-table as a final outcome of my affliction, but the thought of it was so terrible to me that I felt I must seek some other means of help. For several months after the surgeon's verdict had been pronounced on me, I tried to overcome the trouble myself through the power of my own will; but I realize now, as no doubt many others have done, how inadequate is mere human will to bring us to the realization of health and happiness.

Finally, becoming discouraged at my failure to make myself well, I thought that perhaps Christian Science might be of some avail, so in October I told my troubles to a practitioner. From the beginning I resolved to study, to try to imbibe all I possibly could of the fundamentals set forth in "Science and Health with' Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. My healing was gradual, but for this I have been very grateful, as it made me delve deeper to find the treasures that now are priceless possessions. I came to Science with an unbiased religious mind. I asked for help, and I found God in my hour of need, and my reward was great—far beyond my expectations. Though I am a trained nurse, and at that time had been nursing seven years, the medical and surgical training I had had did not seem to bar my progress. I know now it was because my thought was receptive and I had no desire to analyze or criticize. How true it is, and how well all students of Christian Science know, that "except ye ... become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Today I am in perfect health, and my greatest pleasure is the study of the Bible with Science and Health. I fully believe that all good is possible with God, and that there is no condition which cannot be met and overcome through the application of this beautiful truth. I thank God daily for the blessings that have come to me, and I shall always revere and honor the noble woman who has done so much for suffering humanity.

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