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Testimonies of Healing

It is with sincere gratitude that I give my testimony to...

From the January 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with sincere gratitude that I give my testimony to the wondrous power of Christian Science, hoping by a life of love and consecrated purpose to show a deeper gratitude than words can ever express. To tell even half of what Truth has done for me would be impossible, so many have been the blessings received during the six years that I have known of Christian Science. One by one old ills have dropped away, their falsity laid bare in the light of Truth. Love's healing and protection, as demonstrated in every need, help to drive out fear and fill one's consciousness with confidence and peace. Physical distresses left me (I had many before), hope and harmony reigned mentally, for from the first it was clear to me that here was the truth of Christ's teaching, the secret of the Master's power which he sought to impart to the whole world.

Only gradually did I come to understand it. as only by growth can we learn to lean entirely on God for everything, so accustomed is mortal mind to turn anywhere but to God for guidance and protection. This is the greatest thing that I thank Christian Science for teaching us, that Truth is sufficient for us in every problem, for the overcoming of the greatest difficulties, for healing, for supply, for guidance, for all. We need turn nowhere else, but rely on Him understanding, as the Master did and as Christian Science shows us how to do. What joy to expect good only, see it everywhere, and acknowledge nothing else as real or Godsent! The Bible has to me been made consistent, logical, practical throughout,—the Book of all others most attractive, most satisfying to read, illumined in the light of spiritual interpretation. Looking back, I realize I never lived before: looking forward, there is no apprehension, only an abiding peace in God's everlasting goodness, greatness, and love.—

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