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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the many...

From the January 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the many blessings that have come to us through Christian Science. About two and a half years ago we began to attend the Christian Science church, more from curiosity than anything else. About that time we had a boy, twelve years old, stricken with blindness, and the doctors who examined his eyes said he should have an operation, but they were not sure that it would benefit him. We had him examined by the best oculists in the city, and they all said the same thing.

I went to church one Wednesday night, feeling very much depressed, and while there heard some very beautiful testimonies; so I decided to try Christian Science for the boy. I asked a practitioner about it, stating the case as nearly as possible, and she said she would come the next day to see the boy. She did so, and gave him treatment. Three weeks from that time he could see perfectly, and his vision has been normal ever since. At the time we first called for help through Christian Science, we also had a child who was suffering from a paralytic stroke, the second within six months. She had been helpless for three weeks, and at that time our physician was coming every day, but with no improvement in her condition at all. The Christian Science practitioner gave her one treatment, and the next morning she was able to walk and has not had any symptoms of the disease since. This was in January, 1909.

These beautiful demonstrations of the healing power of Christian Science are only a few of the many blessings which we have received through the understanding of the truth. I am very thankful to God, also to Mrs. Eddy for this understanding.—

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