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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

More than six years ago I became acquainted with Christian Science...

From the January 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

More than six years ago I became acquainted with Christian Science, and cannot longer defer expressing my gratitude for the benefits I have enjoyed during those years Yielding to an irresistible impulse, then inexplicable to me, I went to England, as I imagined, to learn the language. I had lost all confidence in the teachings of the church to which I belonged, as I had learned from experience that my prayers were not answered.

In the same house with me in England was a young lady whose steadfast, kind, and quiet ways I envied, and I often wondered what it was that made her so peaceful. I saw her often reading in a little book, and one day, when she left it on the table, I took it up (it was "Unity of Good," by Mary Baker Eddy), merely intending to look through it: but instead of carelessly turning over the leaves, I read eagerly sentence after sentence. The consequence was that I began to be greatly interested in Christian Science, and soon went to the next town to visit the reading-room. There I was very kindly received, and referred to a Scientist in the place where I lived. With his help, and the study of our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mrs. Eddy, although I had difficulties with the language, it became clear to me that God did not create man to suffer, and the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding," came over me: but I soon recognized that if I would keep this peace, I must order my thoughts accordingly. It is now my honest endeavor that my daily life may bear witness to the sincerity of my wish to attain to a better understanding of Christian Science.

If I should tell of all the blessings which I have experienced through Christian Science, space would fail me, but I would like to mention one. One evening I was suddenly seized with an attack of fever, which increased rapidly in violence. I telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner for help, which was willingly given me; but those around me were in great anxiety, for the condition was very serious from a human standpoint. At my pressing request the members of the family left me, and after about a quarter of an hour I became quiet and fell asleep. I awoke the next morning without the least sign of fever, and all those in the house were astonished. I thanked God for His power, and for the sense of trust in Him which came to me through the help of my dear friend.

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