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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that I have not been doing...

From the October 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that I have not been doing right in withholding a public acknowledgment of what Christian Science has done for me and mine, though I am unable to find the words to tell the half. It is over six years since I first heard of Christian Science. At that time I was at Wagoner, Okla., and my wife was healed of severe catarrhal troubles which refused to yield to medical treatment. I had no faith in the healing power of Christian Science, but I made no objection to her trying it, as I did not think it could do any harm. She was healed in a very few days, and has had no return of the trouble since.

After this remarkable proof, I still held aloof from Science, as I had done toward any form of religion for a number of years. I removed to this city four years ago; at that time I was wearing eve-glasses, and by persuasion I was induced to try Christian Science. Within two weeks I had discarded my glasses, and have never needed them again. Since that time the blessings I have received through Christian Science have been many. I had for years been an excessive user of tobacco; but this error was entirely overcome three years ago, and I have had no desire for the weed since. I had been afflicted with rheumatism since I was six years old; but this trouble, too, has entirely disappeared, and for three years I have had no return of it. This healing was accomplished by the study of Science and Health. I have also been healed of the liquor habit, which had become a curse to myself and family.

Before coming into Science I was almost a moral wreck. I do not think that I had attended religious services a dozen times in as many years; now I am a constant attendant at our Christian Science services, whenever it is possible. For all these blessings, and for the spiritual uplifting, I am unable to find words to express my gratitude to God, also to Mrs. Eddy, our revered Leader.—

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