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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was brought to...

From the July 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was brought to my notice about five years ago by a gentleman who was interested in the subject. I began to study the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and the other literature, and became very much interested. In October, 1907, my son, who was then five years old, had an attack of measles, and I at once applied for Christian Science treatment. The practitioner to whom I wrote, referred me to one in my own locality. I communicated with the lady and she at once took up the case, the result being that my son was healed in the course of a few days.

About twelve months later I was again under the necessity of calling for the help of the same practitioner. On this occasion it was a case of skin disease, my second daughter being the patient. The malady, which was of a severe type, was met, and she was healed in a fortnight. I consider this a very good demonstration of the power of Truth.

Last year my wife was attacked with abscesses around the armpit. I took her case in hand and endeavored, to the best of my understanding, to overcome the ailment. I continued for a month, but was unsuccessful, so I again sought the help of the practitioner, and although the case seemed to be very stubborn, the ailment was overcome within a fortnight. During last year my eldest daughter also was seriously ill with abscesses. The belief in the error was very tenacious, both in herself and also in the family circle, so I again called for Christian Science treatment. Although the healing was slow, the disease was overcome in less than two months.

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