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Testimonies of Healing

I am deeply thankful to God for all...

From the September 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am deeply thankful to God for all His goodness to me. I am also very grateful for the knowledge of Christian Science and for all the blessings that have come to me through it. Not only for the physical healing am I grateful, but much more for the spiritual quickening, and for the understanding which enables us more and more, every day, to rise above material conditions, such as fear, disease, worry, and sorrow.

I knew nothing of Christian Science until it was brought to me by two dear friends, who loaned me the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I did not know it contained the "pearl of great price," the truth which is leavening the thought of the whole world. I cannot be too grateful to Mrs. Eddy for the text-book, it throws such a glorious light upon the Scriptures. It has made me love to read the Bible and has given me a clearer understanding of its teachings.

When I first read the chapter on Prayer in Science and Health I was healed instantaneously of an acute stomach disorder from which I had suffered over thirty-five years. I had been so rigidly dieted that I scarcely dared to eat anything, but since my healing I have been perfectly well and can eat any kind of food. I realized I had found the truth, and felt it was what I had been needing all through those long years of suffering. This healing took place in November, 1908.

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