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[Written for the Journal]


From the September 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Oh, healing words! that thwart the power of pain
And bring the erring thought to light again,—
That, opening wide the rust-grown door of years,
Proclaim man's heritage to list'ning ears.

Oh, healing thought! that silently forgives,
Knowing no breath of aught but goodness lives,—
That brings the sinner to his bended knee
And bids God's child arise in sanctity.

Oh, healing sight! that only soars to sing
Above each moss-grown grave or broken wing.
Denying e'er the power that seems to be;
Claiming God's likeness in fraternity.

To answering thought this unity divine,
Then would we know no sense of self but good,
The "sons of God" expressed in brotherhood.
Oh, healing kinship! Could we but define

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