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Testimonies of Healing

Since taking up the study of...

From the September 1914 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since taking up the study of Christian Science about three years ago, I have had many very beautiful experiences, and these were to me proofs that unswerving obedience to the divine instructions of our great Wayshower, Christ Jesus, does bring forth the fruits of obedience. I wish to give the following unusual experience, in the hope that it may be of help to others. On the morning of Nov. 13, 1912, between two and four o'clock, I was awakened by the presence of some one in my room. I arose on my elbow and turned on the light, which revealed the figure of a man; but before I had time to do more than see that it was no one I knew, he seized the fixture and took out the light bulb. He then commanded me to keep quiet or he would shoot me, at the same time holding his hand up to my face and telling me to look at the revolver, which I could not see as the room was dark.

My first thoughts were a reaching out for divine protection. I knew that God's child could not be harmed. I asked the man, "Who are you, and what do you want?" He told me that he was after any money that was in the house. He asked if I had any, and if there was any in the house, how old I was, and how many there were in the family. I answered him that I had no money there, told him my age, and to his last question I said, "We are just a family." I then turned my face downward on the pillow to realize the truth for a moment. When I lifted my head I turned to him and asked, "Do you know whose presence you are in?" His reply was, "No." I said, "Would you like to know?" "Yes," he said. "Well, you are in the presence of God, and your true selfhood is God's child," I went on. He seemed much surprised at this, but was ready to listen to what I proceeded to tell him of the truth. He left the room saying, "You are a Christian." I worked to know the truth as well as I could and without fear of losing my earthly possessions, realizing that it was a great opportunity to help a brother.

Presently the man came back and gave me my purse, which contained some change, saying, "I think this is yours; I cannot take it." He then said, "What are you?" and I replied, "I am a Christian Scientist," to which he answered, "Well!" He took out a bottle of something and said, "This has been the cause of it all,— whisky." I told him that man could not fall, since he is God's child; that this material sense of life is only error, or mortal man, and not the real man. He came and sat down by the side of the bed, and as he listened he said, "Such wisdom for a young girl!" My answer was: "I have studied Christian Science. It is God's wisdom." I then repeated the words from one of our hymns (Hymnal, p. 168):—

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