I gazed from a rugged mountain height
On a little lake below,
Where lay in mirrored splendor
The mountains clad in snow;
Each towering crag and rock-faced cliff
And timbered deep ravine
Were shown in perfect image
Within the lake serene.
Again I stood on the mountain height
Beneath the sky so blue,
And the colors on its rugged side
Shone out in brightest hue;
But the lake was irresponsive
To all that splendid scene
Of azure sky and mountain white
And verdure's varied green.
For the wind sang in the pine trees,
And wavelets lapped the shore,
While myriad ripples stirred the lake
That placid lay before;
And though the waters sparkled bright,
'Twas plain that there could be
No imaged splendor in their depths
Without tranquillity.