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Testimonies of Healing

I have been slow in giving my testimony...

From the March 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been slow in giving my testimony of what Christian Science has done for me. My earliest recollection was of suffering, and for about three years I was a cripple, owing to the condition of one foot, which, if it had not been for my mother, would have been amputated. While still very young I fell and hurt one eye, so I could go to school but very little, as my eyes could not be used without much suffering. I took medicine for over twenty-five years on account of bowel trouble, and it had almost ceased to have any effect. I am now over sixty years old and have been studying Christian Science for about six years. After reading Science and Health a few nights it dawned on me suddenly that my eyes were not paining me, and afterward my foot ceased to hurt me. The bowel difficulty also has been overcome.

A little over four years ago my husband passed on in a very tragical way, and it caused considerable mental disturbance, so that I could not do anything for myself and could not sleep. My son and his wife took me to El Paso, where he telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner. The result was that I went to sleep and slept quietly that night, waking only once, and with four weeks' treatment was healed. I feel much younger than I am, keep busy all the time, and am on my feet almost all day.

I cannot begin to tell all that Christian Science has done for me. I was so thankful and happy when I realized the great blessing that had come to me through reading the textbook; and when God helped others through me, my joy was boundless. I am thankful to God for giving us "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and grateful to the blessed woman who was the channel to give this truth to the world. I would declare with the psalmist, "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust."—

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