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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

From the cradle until I came to...

From the March 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From the cradle until I came to Christian Science I, was never free from pain. In 1912 I had to go to the hospital for a while to have my arm operated on, but until I came to Christian Science I could not use my wrist properly. Now everything is well, and I am stronger than ever before.

Three years ago I went through a most severe struggle, and at times lay unconscious with fever and great pain. The physician whom we consulted stated that I was tuberculous all through, and declared my case to be hopeless, that my days were numbered: in fact he did not expect me to live more than three weeks. One boil after another appeared, until they numbered fifteen, the left thigh being covered with them.

A friend, upon hearing of my grievous illness, brought me a copy of Der Herold der Christian Science, the reading of which meant strength and support to me. I gladly applied to a Christian Science practitioner, despite the statement of the physician, when I last dragged myself to his office, that nothing more could be done. The practitioner received me lovingly and set to work to lead me in the way of Truth, for which I am very grateful. I can now join the psalmist in saying, "O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me."

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