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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to tell of some of the blessings...

From the March 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to tell of some of the blessings received through the study of Christian Science. I had reached a point where God as presented by scholastic theology meant nothing to me. For years I sought a place to worship where the real gospel of Christ Jesus was preached. My wife was attending Christian Science services, but I wanted nothing to do with this religion, for although I knew nothing about the subject, I severely criticized it. Then curiosity caused me to attend a Wednesday evening meeting, and my eyes were opened to the fact that Christian Science was exactly what I had been looking for. I have been a regular attendant ever since.

At this time I was a sufferer from what is called typhoid malaria, an ailment which had kept me in bondage for a long time, although I was under medical treatment. My friends always spoke of me as a very sick man. I asked for Christian Science treatment, and within a short time was healed. No medicine has been taken since the spring of 1906, for Christian Science has been my only physician and Truth my only reliance. During this period I was healed through Christian Science of an affection of the eye by a few days' absent treatment, while a friend not in Science, similarly affected, was in a hospital for two weeks. My son was healed of small-pox by absent treatment, and only a few marks remained on the face. I have been healed of a carbuncle, appendicitis, burns, and some other ailments.

In my opinion the article by Mrs. Eddy in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 8), "Love Your Enemies," should be read and studied by every one. It has been a great help to me, as I can now truthfully say I have no enmity against any one on earth, for I have no enemy,—there is none in reality,—and I am learning to love my neighbor as myself. The greatest blessing I have received through Christian Science is the spiritual uplift, and the fact that I have today a God who is Love. The reading of the Bible is enjoyed and understood, with the light thrown upon it by "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." My daily prayer is that I may be worthy to be called a Christian Scientist. I do not leave home any day until the Lesson-Sermon for the week is read. This prepares me for the work of the day, and enables me to meet, through divine Love, every need.

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