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From the March 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

UNTIL humanity is entirely free from false belief it may be said that every human being stands in need of healing. Mankind in general believe in certain material so-called laws, with their attendant pains and penalties; and this universal belief, operating through the contagion of human thought, induces a fear of sickness, which in obedience to well recognized law externalizes itself on the body in varying phases of discordant conditions.

Metaphysical healing uncovers the underlying error or predisposing cause of these conditions, thus exposing the erroneous thought to the action of Truth; and when Truth is brought to bear on error it must inevitably disappear, and harmony thus be restored. The statement found on page 391 of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, that "fear is the fountain of sickness," is becoming more and more recognized in the schools of psychology and physics. Complete physical or spiritual healing is not possible while the element of fear exists in human consciousness. Fear is the fruit of wrong thinking, or ignorance of Truth. When, however, we understand the divine Principle involved in spiritual healing, we then grasp more intelligently the words of the beloved disciple, that "perfect love casteth out fear,"—which is simply the action of Truth destroying error in human consciousness.

As both sickness and health are the effects of mental conditions, the healing of sickness must be accomplished through a mental, or metaphysical, process. This healing means a transformation of human consciousness from the physical to the mental, from the material to the spiritual; a changed condition of thought with respect to the nature of God and the actual relationship between God and man. When thought is scientifically enlightened and morally purified, health and harmony necessarily follow as results.

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