Four years ago I was in such poor health that physicians said I would never be well again. I had been operated on twice, and they said all they could do would lie to operate again, although I might live through the operation and I might not. The mortal law was held over me that I had no constitution, had never been strong and could never expect to be. Just a little over two years before deciding to investigate Christian Science I was operated on for an internal trouble. I was on the operating table three hours, and for several days it was doubtful whether I would live or not. I could not take any food for over three weeks, and my heart became so weak that it would only respond to the most powerful stimulants.
After six weeks I was taken home, and for a while seemed to improve some, but my heart got weaker, and I had to take medicine most of the time. While in the sanatorium my lungs were tested and pronounced tubercular. My husband was told that lie should take me to a higher altitude, but as we were not very well oil financially we felt that we could not follow his advice. I did try it for a few weeks, but was not contented away from my husband and children, so I came back home. After a few months I was taken ill again, and as I had had kidney trouble along with all the rest, my condition became more aggravated. Then the physicians said I would have to undergo another operation, and as I knew by this time what an operation meant I made up my mind to try other means first.
I went to the Christian Science reading room, a friend of my husband having told him that I could be healed through Christian Science, and asked the librarian about this teaching and how it healed people. She gave me Science and Health to read. I thought it very queer to give a sick person only a book, but took it without question. When I arrived home I took one of my tablets for the heart trouble and lay down to rest. On opening the book and reading the first words of the Preface, "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings," I felt as if I had come out of a dark room into a bright place. As I read farther Christian Science seemed more wonderful and beautiful.