I would like to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me in the past four years. For five years previous to taking up the study of Christian Science I was a great sufferer from stomach trouble. Three doctors and several kinds of medicine were tried, but no relief was obtained. I seemed to be very weak and could not walk any distance without severe pain. The doctors said that I would never be strong and would always have a weak stomach, consequently would never be able to eat hearty food. I was in such a discouraged condition that I hardly knew which way to turn next.
A friend asked me if I would attend a Wednesday evening meeting at the Christian Science church with her, and I did so. As a result there was such a change in my condition that I could hardly wait for the next Wednesday evening to come so that I could go again. A copy of Science and Health was loaned me and I bought a Quarterly. Then I began to read the Lesson-Sermons, and when the pains would come, instead of taking medicine as I had been doing for so long a time, I read the textbook. In a month I was healed, and there has never been a recurrence of the trouble. The first summer I gained in weight rapidly. I am in better health than ever before and can eat anything.
I am indeed thankful to God and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for all this, and am daily striving for a better understanding of this wonderful truth.—Reading, Mass.