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Testimonies of Healing

About ten years ago I was in a...

From the August 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About ten years ago I was in a deplorable state of health, suffering from what the doctors called nervous prostration. I was treated by two or three physicians, who finally decided that medicine could not help me. At times I was subject to great mental depression so that I was afraid to be left alone.

While in this condition I was told of Christian Science and immediately borrowed a copy of Science and Health, which I read and studied. I also began to attend the church services. My healing came slowly, but surely. I was also healed of ring worm which used to spread over the back of my hands every winter for seven or eight years. Three doctors had treated me for this trouble but it seemed to grow worse each year until Christian Science healed me. I have been through very deep waters and seemingly alone, but Love was with me all the time and has given me joy and happiness which I never dreamed of. I was helped wonderfully at the birth of a son. For all these blessings and others I am deeply grateful. I hold the greatest love and esteem for our Leader. Mrs. Eddy, who was good and pure enough to give us this wonderful truth that we can live and practice.—

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