Often in reading the testimonies in our periodicals I have found a thought expressed in such a way that it would bring freedom and light where there had been seeming bondage and I hope my words may help some one. I have been healed of chronic quinsy, and my two little girls have been healed of measles, whooping cough, and chicken-pox. The younger one has been healed of inflammation of the bowels, and the elder of severe colds. I have always been especially grateful for the spiritual uplift and some realization of God's protecting care. I want to express my gratitude for church membership and for the privilege of sharing in the Sunday school work, which has taught me many lessons. Gratitude also goes out to our beloved Leader, who was pure enough and spiritual enough to receive this divine revelation and put it into such language that all mankind could understand it.— Brawley, Calij.

Testimonies of Healing
Often in reading the testimonies...
From the August 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal