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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was brought...

From the August 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was brought to me when I was most miserable, and after reading "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mrs. Eddy for some weeks I applied to a practitioner for treatment. In the first interview everything appeared brighter and I felt much happier. While having treatment I was healed of liver complaint and smoking. This habit had such an apparent hold on me that I would sooner smoke than eat, and I cannot tell what joy was mine when I was free from its bondage. I am also very grateful for the understanding that God is divine Principle, Love, that if I do but practice and live according to Principle, all problems will be solved. Some years ago, while in the country, I was attacked with a fever which continued two or three days without abatement although I faithfully declared the truth, and finally I was tempted to try a material remedy. I had even called to the proprietor of the house intending to have him get it for me, when I saw the utter uselessness of material remedies. The following morning I awakened refreshed and well.

I am most grateful to Jesus the Way-shower, and to Mrs. Eddy, who revealed Christian Science to the world.—

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