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Testimonies of Healing

With a deep sense of gratitude I...

From the August 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With a deep sense of gratitude I send this testimony, hoping it will help some one to know that God, good, is the only power. During the winter of 1916 I began to fail in health. At times I would suffer from hemorrhage and be in severe pain. In March of the same year I consented to undergo an examination by a physician and surgeon. The verdict was that I had a malignant growth and there was no help for me either in medicine or surgery, that I might live six months, but could not possibly live through the year. I was visiting at the time, and with the help of a dear Christian Scientist I returned home, engaged a practitioner, and began the study of Christian Science in earnest. I had previously been healed of muscular rheumatism and lumbago through the power of Truth, and the thought was with me that God is no respecter of persons or things, and that I could be healed. After the first month I began to see improvement each day, and I can truthfully say I never felt better in my life than I do now.

I am deeply grateful for the loving, patient help of the practitioners here and elsewhere, also for the Christian Science literature which was lent to me. I am very grateful for this healing, but more so for the knowledge of man's relationship to God and that I can turn to Him at any time for help and it is given me. I am indeed thankful for what Christian Science has done for me and is doing for all mankind.—

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