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From the August 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The fact that Christian Science as a religion offered protection, solace, regeneration, and spiritual enlightenment to the soldier in camp, in the trenches, on the battle field, and in the hospital is evidenced in the testimonies of physical, mental, moral, and spiritual healing given in the Christian Science periodicals and at the Wednesday evening meetings, where grateful acknowledgment is made of the practical availability of Christian Science in its application to the needs of those who turned to it in extremity amid crises of human existence. While it is impossible at the present time to measure the full extent of good accomplished, nevertheless one can read the signs of the times in the reports by pen or voice of the cases of relief from pain, of comfort in affliction, of the healing of sin, and of the illumination of thought experienced by those who faithfully adhered to the teachings of Christian Science.

One soldier writes: "I have a friend, a lieutenant in the supply trains, who is a Christian Scientist, he wrote me that sometimes he felt lonesome and wanted to write to some of the War Relief committee but then reasoned out that he could not be lonesome when God was with him." Another sends the following interesting account: "Although I haven't lost ground, my hopes were blighted at first because in my ignorance I thought all I had to do was to tell God I was on His side, and then sit tight while He did my fighting. The truth dawned on me all of a sudden in the middle of the night. I arose, lit my candle, and started reading first the Preface and then the first chapter of Science and Health. I have been reading that one chapter all day. Each time I find something that I have passed by before. Perhaps now I can understand other passages that have heretofore been as Greek to me. Simply because I had attended church and read at times with mother I thought I understood. You can imagine then how I felt to find I was ignorant of Principle. I expect to make progress now, though I haven't a very wholesome atmosphere to work in. The lieutenant with me seems to derive a lot of pleasure from kidding me. I do remember enough of mother's teaching, though, so that I enter no arguments; and, really, silence or mild replies work wonders.... I am trying sincerely to get a working knowledge of Science. I am reading at every opportunity, and am willing to deny myself the pleasures heretofore found in material things, such as wine and the like. The jibes of my so-called friends can be withstood easily."

Excerpts from other letters may serve to show still further what has been accomplished through the work of the War Relief committee. The following expression of gratitude is from one situated with the Army of Occupation: "I have received your letter and thank you very much for it. I am glad there are some places in Europe where we can go with our difficulties which we cannot solve ourselves. I have received much in Christian Science since coming into the Army, and feel very grateful for the benefits received. I have never been on 'sick, call' and have always felt fine and certain nothing can harm inc.... I have never called on any metaphysical worker to help me before. But we are instructed to call on some one who is able to help us in case we need assistance for our problems. So here I am asking whoever you may be to give me an absent treatment." From another: "I received the Quarterly the other day. It sure pleased me to receive the same, a booklet much needed. Today I wired to you, since I felt help was necessary. I am glad that I can say that I now feel much better. What I especially need is the spiritual uplift. I desire to live the truth more and more each day, that is to 'grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.' I realize that the spiritual is the most important part in life. In your work for me consider the foregoing sentences even more than the physical need. I sent for a copy of Science and Health by wire. This I want for a soldier friend who has been reading the Lessons with me for several months. He seems anxious for a copy of the vest pocket edition."

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