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Testimonies of Healing

As the children of Israel were led...

From the September 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As the children of Israel were led through the wilderness, at first understanding not the way they journeyed, but later perceiving their unerring guide, the pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night, so have I been led by divine Love; but like the Israelites of old I did not at first realize that each step was taking me nearer to the promised land—the revelation of the facts of being.

After gaining a slight acquaintance with the subject of Christian Science through occasional reading of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and occasional visits to Christian Science churches, extending over a period of about ten years, I reached a point where, although I acknowledged that the teachings were very beautiful and truly desired to accept them, I seemed unable to do so, owing to what seemed to me inconsistencies. A little over three years ago, when a dear relative with whom I was attempting to argue said that if I only would have faith these points would be unfolded after a while, I was instantly healed of the desire to seek for inconsistencies and instead prayed to find the truth. I began to study Christian Science and to apply what I learned and soon realized how ineffectual is the boasted power of what we call intellect. The questions that had seemed without solution were answered, and for this healing of unbelief I am profoundly grateful, because without it all the others would have been impossible.

A few weeks afterwards I experienced my first physical healing through the power of Truth. Within three years I had suffered from four attacks of erysipelas. Each time I was in bed from one to nearly three weeks and the pain was intense; when, therefore, the great fear which had continually beset me became again externalized, I immediately asked a Christian Science practitioner for help. I read the Bible and Science and Health the greater part of the next thirty-six hours, and at the end of that time was completely and permanently healed. I shall never forget the peace and joy that filled my consciousness when I first realized that there is no truth in the evidence of the physical senses, and that man's life is wholly apart from the flesh. A short time thereafter I found that glasses, which I had worn since twelve years of age were not needed, and I have never required them since, although I now read and write during the greater part of each day and evening.

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