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Testimonies of Healing

I have been interested in Christian Science...

From the September 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been interested in Christian Science for fourteen years and would like to express my gratitude for the many blessings it has brought into my life. The overcoming of nervous prostration in its worst form, and the healing of a badly sprained ankle, an infected finger, a severe burn on the foot, and a serious attack of influenza, are some of the benefits received. The sense of being always tired has also left me. What means much more to me, however, is the spiritualization of thought, and the better understanding of God and the Bible.

I am trying each day to obey the Master's command, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." I am truly thankful to God, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for the unfolding of the truth to mankind in this age. —

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