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Testimonies of Healing

At the birth of a fifteen-pound...

From the September 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At the birth of a fifteen-pound boy, a very serious condition set in and my life was despaired of. After long years of suffering I went to a hospital and had an operation performed. The surgeon guaranteed a complete cure, but at the end of three years I was no better,—indeed was worse than ever,—and was told I would have to undergo a second operation, as an abscess had formed. I decided against this, but as soon as I was able to get out of bed I went to another hospital and had an examination by many eminent physicians. Each one advised a more serious operation and would not promise me absolute relief; but they all stated that I could not go on much longer in the condition I was in, and advised the removal of the affected organs.

After returning home I was obliged to take morphine pills. I was losing weight, was unable to stand or walk without pain, and did not sleep nights. Finally arrangements were made for the operation, but one morning before the day set I read in a newspaper an account of the dedication of The Mother Church extension. The hymn, "O'er Waiting Harp-strings of the Mind" (Hymnal, p. 214), by Mrs. Eddy, which was one of the songs of praise, was printed in the paper and it made a great impression on me, so I sent our little boy to the public library to secure "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I studied the book two weeks, then had it renewed; and at the end of four weeks I was healed. I threw away all my medicines and have not used any since. The textbook was just what I wanted; I understood it, and was healed.

That was thirteen years ago. Glasses, which I had worn since childhood, one eye being crossed and the other nearsighted, were no longer needed. Through my understanding of the truth I was able to heal my husband of a broken finger, abscess of the ear, quinsy, sore throat, colds, and many other ailments. I have also superintended building a bungalow. I have done all the housework, cooking, and marketing, and lately have taken care of an elderly mother. I walk miles to church in all kinds of weather.

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