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Testimonies of Healing

At a Christian Science lecture the...

From the September 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At a Christian Science lecture the speaker said there were some people who claimed they could not understand Christian Science. He then quoted from Matthew as follows: "And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." I pondered over this saying as well as the application made, with an earnest desire for understanding, and my thought reverted to the time when I first heard of Christian Science.

A lady related to me some healings which had resulted from its study and practice, and my curiosity was aroused, although I felt no great interest. Later I spoke to a friend about it, and the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, was handed to me to read. Strange to say, I was not in the least inclined to read the book, but felt an unaccountable resistance, and after glancing at a few pages returned it. After hearing the lecture referred to, the reason for this lack of interest was revealed. I was "offended" because this healing work was based on Biblical teachings, for I had lost all faith in the authenticity of the Scriptures. Such was my state of unbelief when the textbook was first presented to me. Had I been able to grasp even a degree of the light of Truth which has since been shed on my pathway through this wonderful teaching, how much pain and sorrow and sickness I might have been spared. I also realize now how truly are they "blessed" who are not "offended" in Jesus, our Way-shower.

As the years passed I came earnestly to desire an understanding of life, and with this motive joined a church which taught me to revere Jesus as a wonderful teacher but to regard his miracles, so called, as fanaticism. Soon after accepting this teaching, the true way was made manifest to me through a copy of The Christian Science Journal which had been given to me, and my thought had been so changed and rendered receptive that I was able to gain just a glimpse of what Mrs. Eddy refers to on page 473 of Science and Health as "the duality of Jesus the Christ." This glimpse of the truth proved to be the dawning of spiritual understanding in my consciousness, and Christian Science is now revealing to me what Life really is. It has healed me of stomach trouble after medicine had failed to relieve me. I also suffered much of the time from severe headaches, and while this seemed like a very slow healing, the trouble has been entirely overcome. We have had many other demonstrations of the power of Truth in our home. One of the most notable instances was the case of my mother, who was suffering from a decline in health. The doctor said there was no help for her; but Christian Science brought about her complete restoration.

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