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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a heart overflowing with...

From the September 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a heart overflowing with gratefulness that I testify to the great blessings which have come to me through Christian Science, as indeed I owe to this truth all that I hold dearest on earth. I suffered with facial neuralgia from infancy up to the age of sixty-three years, when after turning to Christian Science I was healed of this trouble, and for fourteen years enjoyed, almost without interruption, perfect health.

Two years ago I suffered from a severe attack of so-called ischialgia. During nearly three months I tried to work mentally for myself, but grew worse every day, and not being able to bear the pains any longer I finally applied for help from a practitioner. From the first treatment I was greatly benefited and that night I went to bed and slept, which I had not done for a long time. The pain vanished gradually day by day, but the complete healing took much longer. I was, however, never tempted to be discouraged, because the perseverance of the practitioner, and especially her firm and unwavering conviction of divine Love's power and the allness of God good, inspired her to find the right words for my enlightenment.

My gratitude for the physical healing was indeed great, but the spiritual light that flooded my consciousness and purified my thought enough to make the healing possible, was cause of even greater rejoicing. I cannot do enough to prove how grateful I am to God that I have found Christian Science. To Mrs. Eddy, who discovered this truth, my heart goes out with constantly increasing gratitude.—

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