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Testimonies of Healing

In gratitude for the physical,...

From the September 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In gratitude for the physical, moral, and spiritual blessings and the protection experienced since I began the study of Christian Science eleven and a half years ago, I send this testimony. For years so-called relaxed ligaments of the knee caps, also a bowel disorder, were the cause of much discomfort; indeed, fear of the knee caps slipping was beginning to curtail active movement. When I began to read the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, although many of the statements seemed vague and beyond my comprehension, I held on to what appealed to me as logical until more unfolded. In the process of this enlightenment I found that the above conditions were healed. It was not, however, desire for physical relief, but for a demonstrable and practical religion that caused me to look into Christian Science.

Since this healing, which has been permanent, violent bilious attacks, several disagreeable traits of character, and fear of lack of work have been overcome. I am thankful to God for all these blessings, but most of all for the clearer understanding of His oneness and allness, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy, who has opened the door to this clearer apprehension of spiritual things. I am also very grateful for class instruction and for the joy of helping others.—

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