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Testimonies of Healing

Having received so much good...

From the May 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Having received so much good from reading the testimonies of others, it is my earnest desire to add mine, in the hope that it may help some one.

Over four years ago as a last resort I turned to Christian Science for help and was healed in one treatment, although I took two more treatments afterwards for general help. My trouble was diagnosed by one doctor as spinal tuberculosis. For five or six years I had sought help of many physicians, but could get none. If any relief came, it was very little and lasted only a short time. Besides medicine I tried osteopathic and chiropractic treatments, and while they seemed to give relief it was of short duration. There was pain in my back between the shoulders, that never left me day or night. I could sleep only a little at a time and then only from the effects of exhaustion or drugs or liquor. Sick headaches, ill temper, extreme nervousness, and what not accompanied the above; also loss of business, due to inability to attend to it. My wife, who is a trained nurse, insisted that the doctor tell her what my trouble was and what the outcome would be. He said that it was turning into softening of the brain and he did not expect me to live long; but if I did I would have to go to a hospital for the insane. That was on a Saturday. The next day we talked over Christian Science, and Monday afternoon I took my first treatment. Oh, what a relief! No one can realize what joy it was to know that I could again be well and happy and help provide for my family of eight members. Since that time, over four years ago, we have had many healings at different times of diseases such as measles, whooping cough, colds, appendicitis, and in fact all the diseases that at times attack a family.

Since my healing there has been no medicine in our home. Truth has met our every need, and to say that I am grateful, expresses but a very small fraction of how thankful we all are. Surely God is the only deliverer. I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for having found the truth for us, as the Master used to teach it, and for the literature, which had enabled us to find it for ourselves. Since my healing I have been able to help others many times. To state all the good we have received would take a large volume.—

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