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Testimonies of Healing

It has come to me repeatedly of...

From the May 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It has come to me repeatedly of late that I have not been bringing all my tithes into the storehouse of our Father, as I never have written a testimony for our periodicals, and feel quite overwhelmed to think of it when I recount manifold blessings that I have received since coming into this blessed truth, almost eighteen years ago. At that time I was healed in five or six treatments of partial paralysis of the bowels and of hemorrhoids, and my daughter of four months was also healed of bowel trouble. I was bucked from a broncho when I was fourteen years old and never was well or strong after that until taking up the study of Christian Science, excepting temporarily for a few months at a time. I was very much discouraged. I had long wanted to take up Christian Science, as my dearest friends were Scientists, but my husband was opposed. As nothing helped me at all and I refused to be operated on,—I knew so many wrecks from that,—I was troubled with a headache and backache and was very unhappy, so at last Christian Science was a glorious light indeed to my benighted condition.

There have been trials of all kinds to meet, but with Christian Science to help me I have come through victorious. Some battles were severe indeed; ptomaine poisoning several times has been overcome for my daughter and myself, and usually without outside help. Pneumonia, which is so dreaded at this altitude, has twice been overcome for me. I had treatment from a practitioner the first time as a great deal of fear was expressed on all sides, but the next time I handled it myself.

Some years ago when I was raking a coal fire that had been banked for some hours, the smoke, ashes, flame, and gas rushed out, and as I was singing I inhaled it all and had a paroxysm of coughing, which returned at frequent intervals. I thought I did my mental work, and went to bed and slept all night, but my lungs were paining terribly when I awakened, so we called for Christian Science help. My daughter told of this in a science class in high school, and the teacher said it was bona fide poisoning, and thought I must die from it, but I was only sick two or three days. I think that was one of the most wonderful demonstrations made for me, as I read a short time ago of twenty-five persons who died from the effects of it in a factory. The physical healing is indeed very wonderful and proves that God is omnipotent and omnipresent in every condition, but the learning to know God is so much more, that we would keep on even if physical discords were seemingly not met. To know that God is Love, Principle, is worth everything else one could possibly obtain in this world, and my gratitude is beyond words for everything that Christian Science is bringing to me.—

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