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Testimonies of Healing

In December, 1917, my wife and...

From the May 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In December, 1917, my wife and I noticed a considerable change in our daughter. From being very lively child, she became sad and silent. At first we did not worry much about her, but at the end of January her condition became worse. She never spoke, would be motionless for long periods, and nothing seemed to bring her out of her speechlessness; nothing interested her and her eyes did not express any life. We were obliged to force her to eat, otherwise she would have let herself perish of hunger. I sought the advice of a well-known specialist, and after he had examined her he told me she was slowly becoming insane and there was not much that could be done for her, although her general health was good. There were ninety chances out of a hundred that there was no healing for her, he said.

On leaving this renowned man I was dumbfounded. At fourteen years of age my child was becoming insane for the rest of her life. I told my sister what the conditions were, and it was then that I first heard of Christian Science—I, who for a long time had abandoned all religion, because I had never found a teaching that would satisfy me. My sister informed me that it had healed her of rheumatism from which she had suffered for over two years, although doctors had given her but a relatively short time to live. I had not been ignorant of her healing, but as she had not told me how it came about I had not asked for details. She said that God alone had power to save my child, and after giving me all the details of her own healing she convinced me that the only way open to me was the way which Mrs. Eddy discovered. After talking with one of her friends who had also been healed through Christian Science, I was quite resolved to give up material means and turn to God, the only good. I went to see a practitioner and explained the case to her. She began treatment at once and at the end of two weeks we saw a notable change in our child. Before a month was over she had completely regained her speech and her former liveliness. She continued to improve and at the end of three months we considered her saved and entirely healed. There has not been a symptom of the trouble since and we have even observed that her understanding is more developed than before she was taken ill.

Our unbounded gratitude goes out to God and also to Mrs. Eddy, for it is due to her marvelous teaching that to-day we can rejoice in the healing of our child. It is difficult to express our thankfulness to this noble woman, who worked so steadfastly to give us the beautiful book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and open the way which leads to the true understanding of God and to eternal life.—

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