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Testimonies of Healing

I began to study Christian Science...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I began to study Christian Science in December, 1916. I had been very ill for four years, suffering from bronchitis, weak stomach, anæmia, and other troubles. I was taking three kinds of medicine from the doctor, but when I heard about Christian Science I decided to give the medicines up. I am very grateful for the loving help which I received at that time. Some of the troubles disappeared very quickly, others after a little while. During the last three years my health has been splendid. I was also healed of influenza, with help from a practitioner, in a little over a day, with no after effects. I am still more grateful for the peace of mind which Christian Science has brought, and for the spiritual understanding which is taking the place of wrong beliefs about God and His creation. I also wish to give thanks for the authorized literature, and membership in a branch church. I feel that only by walking in the way of Principle can I be worthy of the good which I am receiving.—

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