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Testimonies of Healing

I have so much for which to be...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have so much for which to be grateful that I scarcely know how to begin. About nine years ago I was healed through the clear thinking of a dear sister, after being told by two of our best surgeons that without a surgical operation I would never be well. On a Friday one of the surgeons told my sister what the nature of the operation would be. She denied mentally all that he said, and affirmed the truth. The doctor told me to return the following Monday for a final examination so that he would know just what was to be done, expecting to find me much worse as a result of a long drive I was going to take. (I had not been out even for a drive for months—most of the time being spent in bed.) When I went to his office again he told me that on the previous Friday an operation had been necessary but that he could not now say that it was. I was healed instantaneously, though not a Christian Scientist at the time, simply through my sister's right thinking. I have never been in bed for a day or a portion of a day since.

On our way to church one Wednesday evening recently, our pet dog's foot was caught in the automobile door. She screamed with pain. I picked her up and repeated audibly the scientific statement of being (Science and Health, p. 468). In less time than it takes to tell it she stopped screaming but could not use her foot. The following morning there was not even a sign of a limp. One person in the car, who is reaching out for Science, told me she was very glad she was present, as it was to her an added proof of what Christian Science could do. She was particularly impressed with the attitude of my small daughter, who was very calm, and quietly knew the truth. I could go on and on, for I have had no end of wonderful and mostly instantaneous healings.

I am deeply grateful to God, to our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and to Christ Jesus the Way-shower, also for all our periodicals, for the splendid Lesson-Sermons, and our church services. I want to take this opportunity to express my thankfulness to the Christian Science practitioners who have always so lovingly helped me and mine.—

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