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Testimonies of Healing

It is now six years since I first...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now six years since I first heard of or learned anything about Christian Science. I was then living with a family in Switzerland, one of whom had been healed through Science. She spoke to me frequently of Mrs. Eddy's wonderful rediscovery of the truth of being, and as I became gradually more interested I read some of Mrs. Eddy's works and the Les-son-Sermons with her. One day, as I was attempting to skate, I slipped and to mortal sense fractured my ankle. At this time, my parents strongly objected to any influence being brought to bear upon me by Christian Science, because they believed that I at that time, at the age of seventeen, was too young to be capable of good judgment upon a matter so serious, and would not allow me to continue attending the church services. I was obliged, therefore, at their earnest desire to have the attendance of a medical doctor, but I was also determined to have Science treatment, with the result that instead of being laid up for three weeks or a month unable to walk, as the doctor had told me, I was up and about within the week. When I returned later to my home, I discovered that any mention of Christian Science created such discussion that I resolved to say no more about it, not then having grasped the fact that reflected Love overcomes all opposition, so that I unwisely dropped the study of Science altogether. For this cowardice, I paid "the utmost farthing" during the ensuing five years, during which I scarcely had a moment's peace. My views of life became so cynical and black that I was indifferent to everything and everybody, and wished heartily that my existence here might speedily end. Three years ago I had a bad attack of influenza and since then had suffered from constant neuralgia and severe pains in one ear. I sought the advice of throat specialists, ear specialists, physicians, and surgeons, and not one could give me relief. Last winter I fell a victim to the prevalent influenza and was ill for three months, after which time the neuralgic pains, from which I had suffered for three years without cessation night or day, extended to my back, so that singing (which is my profession) became agony to me, and I began to doubt whether I should be able to continue with my work.

Last autumn, as I was in great pain, my mother said to me, "Why don't you try Christian Science again?" Needless to say, I was astounded to hear her say such a thing. As the realization was borne in upon me that here was my only chance of recovery, I immediately accepted such an open invitation to the truth; whereupon my mother herself communicated with a practitioner, who paid me a visit, and I was healed instantaneously of all pain and also of advanced anæmia to which I had always been subject. I asked the healer to continue her treatment for a week, at the end of which time I went to see her, and told her how well I felt and how very grateful I was for what had been done, but I felt constrained to add that I still relied upon drugs to heal inaction. She pointed cut to me the error of my ways, by assuring me that an inanimate drug could not possibly have any power of itself, when God is all-powerful. I left her with the firm intention of making a complete demonstration over the nothingness of this evil, and after two days of stubborn resistance, of mortal suggestions, and clinging steadfastly to the knowledge that "there is no death, no inaction, diseased action, overaction, nor reaction,'' as Mrs. Eddy says on pages 427 and 428 of Science and Health, because God is all-action and with Him everything is harmonious and eternal, I discovered that I was completely healed of all inaction, and have had no trouble since. During the last three weeks I have accomplished more hard work and endured more so-called mental strain than ever before, without any ill effects, solely by realizing that I am reflecting and using only God's power, and am sustained "by His right hand;" therefore nothing is impossible.

I am profoundly thankful to God and to Mrs. Eddy for her enlightened understanding of the Bible, and above all I am grateful to be able to add yet another testimony of the healing power of this truth, with the hope that it may serve to help some brother in distress.—

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