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Testimonies of Healing

It is only right that we should acknowledge...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is only right that we should acknowledge blessings already received through Christian Science, so I sincerely hope that this testimony will be helpful to other seekers for peace and happiness,—which includes health and strength.

From the first reading of Science and Health I received benefit, being healed of neuralgia, although I did not understand the book and had only read it partly through. Later I took up the study in earnest and a severe cold was overcome and I found that my lungs had become sound. Colds that were very common with me became a great rarity. On being examined by a physician for railroad work, I was pronounced in "A 1" condition, although some years before I just scraped through. One morning after sharpening an ax I repaired to the woods with my son. While cutting some poles to make a raft my ax glanced through a rotten alder and landed into my right ankle bone. I sat down and removed the shoe, bound up the wound and started to rise, but found that I was lapsing into a state of unconsciousness. By holding to the truth I was able to rise, walk a mile, have breakfast, and attend a meeting at which I read the Lesson-Sermon, afterwards walking home. The wound, though terrible to mortal sense, healed perfectly within a week, and all sense of pain disappeared on the evening of the accident. My son was healed of measles within forty-eight hours, without any material means; and for many other healings, such as smoking and fondness for liquor, I am unable fully to express my gratitude.—

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