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Testimonies of Healing

It is with much gratitude that I...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with much gratitude that I send in this testimony of the healing of my eyes. It is seven years or so since this demonstration was made, and I have awakened to the fact that it is well nigh time I was sending it in to the Sentinel or Journal. It was but a short time after I became interested in Christian Science that I left Riverside, California, where I first took up the study, and went with a young man, also interested, twenty-two miles or so into the foothills in search of farm work, which we got. While up there, having an opportunity to be out alone at one place herding cattle, I had most of the day to read and it seemed that I fairly devoured "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, for the soil (the receptive thought) was prepared for the seed (the treasures of the truth of the Scriptures). As our Leader tells us in Science and Health (p. 361), "A germ of infinite Truth, though least in the kingdom of heaven, is the higher hope on earth, but it will be rejected and reviled until God prepares the soil for the seed." The result was that shortly after arriving in the foothills I was enabled to lay aside (yes, I buried them) my glasses, after wearing them over eleven years, during which my eyes were almost continually more or less distressed, so that I was able to do but very little reading. From the day I discarded my glasses to this day, I can recall no time when I had any desire or need for them. Since then I have been able to read and study at all times and any length of time, without the least difficulty or annoyance, and I attribute this practically instantaneous healing to my having so freely imbibed the truth from our textbook.

Were it not for the necessity and joy of expressing gratitude for this healing it would seem as though my eyes had always been in as perfect condition, even to mortal sense, as now. The physical healing means much, but the spiritual understanding gained from each demonstration indeed means much more, as we truly learn in Christian Science. I am indeed thankful to God for having given to us such an unselfish, courageous Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and am grateful to all those who have been the means of helping me along the upward pathway.—

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