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Testimonies of Healing

My gratitude for the wonderful...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My gratitude for the wonderful healing, chastening, and uplifting, yet divinely natural light experienced through even the least understanding of Christian Science, is quite beyond expression either in word or deed. Only through striving to attain to a closer walk with God and with some measure of loving service can gratitude be expressed. I wish I could tell of the blessed change which Christian Science has brought into my life, so that it might help another who perhaps is longing, as I was, for something deeper and truer than she has ever known. My mother passed on shortly after my birth, and my father a few years later. Although I was with those who loved me, I grew up with an intense hunger for mother love, which literally amounted to mental starvation, and this condition of thought was externalized on the body in innumerable physical ills. I would not dwell on the barren years full of physical suffering save to show the transformation that took place when Christian Science came to me as a ray of light penetrating an almost hopeless darkness. My healing was very, very slow because there were many ills of disposition to be overcome, and there had to be a sufficient degree of willingness for healing to take place, but the new birth has steadily gone on year by year until my thought has been lifted from a sense of death unto life, limitation to expansion, want to plenty, and best of all from starvation for mother love into a growing, encircling sense of the transforming, all-protecting and soul-satisfying love of the Father-Mother God. We are all children of the one Father-Mother, and above all else I am grateful for an increasing knowledge of this fact.

Our great Leader, Mrs. Eddy, knew the truth, and suffered that we might attain, and I am so glad to have a growing appreciation of that beautiful, service-giving life, for the truly marvelous work which she did in persevering until she saw the glorious truth, which is so rapidly saving the world. My constant prayer is that I may see the truth clearly enough to do my part to sustain the work which she finished, and so be found on the side of God.—

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